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The "El's" Cosmetic Therapies are tailored to each clients need, so whether you chose the Palm Reconstruction or Skin Color Change or another of our very popular therapies, you will receive individual attention. We are the 'center of excellence', by which all other similar spas are judged. Our clients benefit regardless of age, skin color or condition.

Allow us to produce copies of yourself. Your clone(s) can be gestated at different times, so you can have copies of yourself at different ages. They will provide you brilliant company, exactly like you! Their use is endless, how about dating 3 people at once??
Due to the popular nature of this procedure with dictators, it is not available as a part of the two 'Design Transformation

The Eyes Have It
For the person sick of putting on eye shadow. You can have your eye lids permanently colored, using the dyes from our local beetles. This simple procedure is done in less than an hour.

Palm Reconstruction
- Have you never liked what the palm reader tells you about your future, or your palm lifeline? Then we have the solution for you have one of our award winning medical personnel replace your fingerprints, palm or palms with the one you want.
This procedure is excellent combined with the beauty therapy, Massage Exfoliation.
Palm Reconstruction therapy is not available as a part of the two 'Design Transformation package.'

Scalp Replacement
- Change your hair color permanently in an afternoon, and be the envy of your friends. Have a total painless scalp replacement, so you will never have to dye your roots again. This procedure is completed in less than 4 hours. We have over 300 satisfied male and female customers.

Skin Color Change
- Try out different skin colors. Right now we are offering a two-color change for the price of one!
See how one satisfied customer used this procedure.
Disclaimer- if you want to try two colors is succession, go lighter then darker, as lightening darkened skin produce spotty or muddy results.

Waif Body Make Over
- This is for the waif tired of the looking fabulous, and wearing designer clothes. You can remake yourself over in the model of say a female weight lifter, and be able to lift your date. See the fabulous results.