Scenic Ranch

Save the worms.


The Essence.

The Roundup & Greener Pastures

...or Manure - castings, about.

...or Wanted - Dead or Alive!

After three to four months, your compost is ready. Prepare the bedding for the second "holey" bin, and place it on top of the bin you've been feeding for 3-4 months. Begin adding food to the new, topmost bin, and as your worms get hungry, they will migrate up through the 1/4 holes in the bottom of the bin. (Pretty cool, huh?)

Most of your worms will be attracted to the new food source in the upper bin--your livestock moved on to greener pastures. The rest are a little dull and should be dumped in your garden to die. If you just feel bad about that, you can sift through your finished compost and pick them out--one by one--with a tweesers. You should have no trouble finding them...they are about two inches long, and move about (wiggle) when the compost is disturbed. Bin #1 is now ready for you to spread its essence into your garden. (It will then become bin #2 as you rinse and repeat.)